Truck & 18 Wheeler Accidents

Truck & 18 Wheeler Accidents

Truck Accident Attorney Austin.....


With the number of large trucks on the roads going up every year, it is really no surprise that about 3,500 fatalities and 60,000 injuries occur annually due to accidents involving passenger vehicles and large trucks. If you or a loved one has been in an accident involving an 18-wheeler, semi-truck, tractor-trailer, or another extra-large vehicle, you need to contact The Sharp Firm at once. Trucking and insurance companies take accidents very seriously. They have a team of lawyers and experts standing by to build a case against you. 

Many trucking companies have tracking devices that record the trucks speed and direction and travel logs that can be lost or destroyed if you don’t know how to protect your rights. It is very important to work with a truck accident attorney Austin like The Sharp Firm that has experience in truck accident suits because they are significantly different than normal auto-accident cases.

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Free Consultation

There are many factors that need to be considered when dealing with this type of case, which doesn’t come up in normal accident situations. Some of these considerations are:

  • Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) – There are federal regulations and safe operating regulations that are in place for commercial truck drivers. Having an attorney who knows how to investigate to ensure these regulations were followed can be critical.
  • Destruction of Evidence – The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) states that trucking companies may destroy evidence after keeping them for a certain period of time. It is extremely important you contact a lawyer so you can prove the trucking company was at fault.
  • Hazardous Materials Regulations – Large trucks are often used to transport hazardous materials. If that is the case in your situation, understanding the state and federal regulations for the safe transportation of hazardous materials may be critical to your case.
  • Hours of Service – Unlike normal car drivers, truck drivers are limited to a set number of hours driving per day to help avoid issues with fatigue and driver alertness. We’ll check the truck logs to ensure the driver didn’t violate these important safety regulations.
  • Corporate Liability – The company that is running the truck may also be held responsible if they had negligent hiring practices, poor supervision, questionable truck maintenance, or other issues.

We will work hard to investigate your specific case and create the right arguments to take to court. In many instances, however, we won’t even need to go to court since the trucking company or their insurance provider will want to settle.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has been in an accident that involved a large truck, please contact us today. We offer a free consultation to discuss your case and see what the right course of action might be.

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